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之前介紹鐵壺的演變,是日本人介紹的, 那么,在美國人看來,鐵壺是如何演變的?美國人特認真,考證了從釜之后,鐵瓶可能起源的幾個基礎(chǔ)器形,包括tedorikama、toyama,mizusosogi, dobin,yakkan,小編無能,沒找到這幾個東東是什么尊容,不過這有點太學究了,研究了也沒用。唯一值得一提的是,yakkan形狀和鐵壺一樣,只是用銅制的,為什么改成鑄鐵呢?那當然是因為據(jù)說鐵煮水比較好喝。后來的京都和山形鐵壺是用銅蓋的,是不是yakkan的殘留呢?
“Despite the fact that the tetsubin play a relatively small role within chanoyu they are charming and interesting pieces in themselves. The decoration and shapes of the tetsubin are beautiful in their simplicity. (因為簡單而美麗,老美的藝術(shù)感覺真準!)Not only are they visually pleasing, but they also represent an aspect of Japanese culture that captures the spirit of the moment shared by fellow companions when drinking tea. ”